Tender for EDFI MC Technical Assistance Consultancy Cooperation Agreement
Tender for EDFI MC Technical Assistance Consultancy Cooperation Agreement
General information
Contracting authority: EDFI Management Company
Notice/contract number: EDFIMC-SP-23-05-TA
Procurement method: International restricted tender
Location: Belgium, OECD DAC list of countries
Contract name: Technical Assistance Consultancy Cooperation Agreement
Publication date: 9 November 2023
Submission deadline: 26 December 2023, 23:59 (Brussels time GMT+1)
Original language: English
EDFI Management Company (“EDFI MC”) is a limited liability company with a corporate purpose to deliver finance solutions that enable investors to invest more and in higher risk private sector projects in emerging and developing countries. EFDI MC manages two blended finance investment facilities AgriFI and ElectriFI which are focused on providing equity and debt financing to companies active in sustainable agriculture sectors and in renewable energy, respectively.
EDFI MC intends to supplement its blended finance activities with a broad range of technical assistance and advisory services (“TA Services”). The objective of the TA Services is to improve the financial, environmental, and social performance of EDFI MC investees and their value chain, primarily in the agricultural sector. The TA Services will be fully integrated into EDFI MC’s core business and will complement EDFI MC investment strategy to promote sustainable small-scale agriculture in developing countries.
The TA Services will be available pre- and post-investment to EDFI MC direct investees, as well as to their key stakeholders (in each case defined as a “Beneficiary”). The Beneficiaries of the EDFI MC TA Services are expected to be early stage and small companies, with local operational track record but lacking financial and operational means to scale.
EDFI MC seeks to work with a highly qualified consultant in technical assistance to deploy the TA Services to Beneficiaries mostly in the agri-sector, through a non-exclusive cooperation agreement. The intention for such cooperation agreement is to allow EDFI MC to rely on a trusted partner for a timely and efficient TA implementation whenever the need arises. The maximum amount of the technical assistance cooperation agreement is set at € 4 000 000, and the term of 4 years.
Phase 1 (candidature phase) of the tender is now open. We encourage the technical assistance service providers in the agricultural sphere to submit their proposals. Full Phase 1 tender documentation provides all relevant information including, among others, the proposal requirements, process and timelines, and can be accessed here:
- EDFI MC Technical Assistance Cooperation Agreement Guidelines
- Contract Notice
- Candidature Submission Form
- Evaluation Report Template
Answers to the questions received can be found here.
Update 2 February 2024
As the result of the Phase 1 (candidature phase) of the tender, EDFI MC has short-listed 8 candidates, which have been invited to participate to the Phase 2 of the tender. The Phase 2 tender documentation is the following:
- Instructions to tenderers
- Submission form and templates
- Financial proposal submission form
- Template consultancy cooperation agreement (accessible only to candidates invited to tender Phase 2)
Only candidates short-listed as part of the Phase 1 on this tender are invited to participate in the Cooperation Agreement tender Phase 2. Any tender received from a legal or natural person not invited to tender will be rejected.
Phase 2 tender deadline for submission of the proposals: 30 March 2024.
Contact information
Address: Rue du Trone 4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Website: www.edfimc.eu
Email: [email protected]
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